','gtm_script');CHRIS SAMNEES BLACK WIDOW ARTISTS ED HC - Chris Samnee, Mark Waid - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Chris Samnee, Mark Waid (A/CA) Chris Samnee
Collecting the first six issues of Marvel Comics' acclaimed Black Widow series, penciled and inked by Chris Samnee, and co-written with frequent collaborator Mark Waid. All pages have been scanned from the original art and are presented the same size as drawn. This volume will include a number of layouts by Samnee that show his creative process. As with all Artist's Editions, this book appears to be in Black and white, but is scanned and printed in color, the better to see the subtle nuances that make original art unique.

In Shops: Mar 27, 2024

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