It’s the shocking finale to Stickleback in this week’s 2000 AD – and nothing, absolutely nothing, will be the same again for the Pope of Crime! Ian Ed... ...more
Armageddon to Order!
09th April, 2014
Dredd: Mega-City Confidential [3]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of po... ...more
Strained Relations!
23rd April, 2014
Dredd: Mega-City Confidential [5]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of pos... ...more
Devil's Causeway
07th May, 2014
Dredd: Shooters Night [2]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic... ...more
Chop! Chop!
21st May, 2014
Dredd: Shooters Night [4]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic Nort... ...more
Full-Throttle Thrills
20th August, 2014
Dredd: Cascade [2]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalypti... ...more
Isle of Wights!
27th August, 2014
Dredd: Cascade [3]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic Nort... ...more
Bow, Mega-City One -- Before the Lawlords!
03rd September, 2014
Dredd: Cascade [4]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east ... ...more
Lords Have Mercy?
17th September, 2014
Dredd: Cascade [6]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic... ...more
Attack Dog!
08th October, 2014
Dredd: Block Judge [3]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic Nor... ...more
Love is a Lie. Trust no one. Kill to Order.
05th November, 2014
Dredd: Block Judge [7]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the e... ...more
Dog Fight!
12th November, 2014
Dredd: Block Judge [8]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic Nor... ...more
Knight Terrors
14th January, 2015
Dredd: Dark Justice [3]
Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic... ...more
A PREVIEWS Exclusive! The Galaxy's Greatest Comic sees out the year with another bumper 100-page special Christmas issue featuring a fantastic line-up... ...more
Finally, a magazine devoted to contemporary comics combined with a thorough and accurate price guide! Here comes ACE Magazine #1, and our name stands ... ...more
Finally, a magazine devoted to contemporary comics combined with a thorough and accurate price guide! Here comes ACE Magazine #1, and our name stands ... ...more
A Special Crossover Extravaganza! Alter Ego celebrates 75 years of The Flash and Green Lantern (with Hawkman thrown in for good measure!) The era from... ...more
(W) Ian Edginton (A/CA) I. N. J. Culbard
The Orrery is a clockwork solar system where planets whirl on vast metal arms and the sun of cogs is worshpp... ...more
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Marvel Studios revisits its all-American superhero with the story of World War II-era Steve Rogers - a.k.a. Capta... ...more
As part of the DC Super Hero Collection relaunch Eaglemoss are happy to offer collectors the Batman and the Batcycle Special. This highly detailed 1:2... ...more