','gtm_script');TEEN TITANS GO BOX SET VOL 01 TV OR NOT TV - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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Join Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy for more hijinks and humor in this comic book spin-off of the hit Cartoon Network TV show. Whether our heroes are battling gross (but delicious) pizza monsters, going all out in a game of Go Fish, or rockin' some cool facial hair, these rib-tickling tales of the Teen Titans from Sholly Fisch (The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold), Merrill Hagan (The Astonishing Spider-Man), Lea Hernandez (Killer Princesses), Jorge Corona (Batgirls), and more are sure to keep everyone in the family entertained. This first of two new Teen Titans Go! box sets contains three graphic novels: TEEN TITANS GO! VOL. 1: PARTY, PARTY!, TEEN TITANS GO! VOL. 2: WELCOME TO THE PIZZA DOME, and TEEN TITANS GO! VOL. 3: MUMBO JUMBLE.
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