','gtm_script');HINTERKIND #1 - Ian Edginton - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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"Men go and come, but Earth abides."- Ecclesiastes 1:4
Decades after "The Blight" all but wiped out the human race, Mother Nature is taking back what's hers, and she's not alone...The Hinterkind have returned.
From the last, lost corners of the world they come, a myriad menagerie of myth and magic...but these aren't childhood fairytale creatures. They are flesh, blood and passion, and they have a long-simmering hatred for those who drove them into the shadows: The human race!
After her grandfather disappears, Prosper Monday must leave the security and seclusion of their Central Park village to venture into the wilds to find him, unaware of how much the world has changed. Or how hungry it has become...

(W) Ian Edginton (A) Francesco Trifogli (CA) Greg Tocchini
(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)